PG Diploma in Cyber Law

Last Updated on August 5, 2023 by Vishnu Nambiar

Hi readers! In this article, we will deal with a course that is related to Cyber Law. Here, we will have an in-depth analysis of PG Diploma in Cyber Law course.

  As the name suggests, it is a PG level course. PG stands for Postgraduate level. Since this is a PG level course, only graduates hailing from relevant Bachelor’s Degree programs are eligible to pursue this course.   Here is an overview of the course –

  • Name of the course: PG Diploma in Cyber Law
  • Type of course: PG Diploma
  • Field: Cyber Law
  • Duration: 1 year
  • Eligibility Criteria: Completed valid Bachelor’s Degree course

If you want to specialize in Cyber Law sector after graduation, this is the ideal PG course for you. It is an ideal PG course for law graduates.   After completing LL.B., you may pursue this course. But this PG course is not just limited to law graduates! Technically, any candidate who has completed graduation is eligible to pursue this course.   What is Cyber law all about? What it is like to specialize in this field? What’s the scope and potential associated with this domain? You will find answers to these questions in the next section.   Let us start –

An Introduction to Cyber Law

In simple terms, cyber law is an area of law that deals with legal issues related to the use of internet, cyberspace and electronic communication. It is also known as IT law or Information Technology law.   As we all know, legal studies is a very broad field. It consists of many sub-branches and sub-disciplines. Some of the popular branches and sub-branches are –

  • Labor Law
  • Criminal Law
  • Civil Law

There are many more branches just like the above mentioned ones! Cyber law is a relatively new entrant. In fact, this area of law is not well developed and crafted in many countries!   With the rise of internet, communication technology and cyberspace, a new set of legal issues started popping its head! Popular issues included – privacy, intellectual property, information security etc.   At that time, there didn’t exist any specific set of rules to tackle issues of this nature! But these issues were here to stay thanks to the internet and cyberspace! The world realized the need of laws and regulations that were specific to the world of cyber crimes, disputes and issues.   As a result, cyber laws were framed and implemented across the world! Developed countries have better cyber law framework as compared to developing countries.   In this age of internet banking, e-commerce and social media, we need skilled cyber law professionals to tackle digital issues, crimes and challenges. PG Diploma in Cyber Law is an ideal program for graduates who want to build a rewarding career in this sector.   This program will train you in areas such as –

  • E-Commerce
  • Banking and Taxation
  • Cyber Crimes
  • Intellectual Property issues
  • Digital Evidence
  • E-Governance
  • IT Security

It is an ideal PG course for Law and IT professionals. But it is not just limited to these professionals! Any graduate who is interested in cyber law domain can pursue this course!   Come, let us take a closer look at the course details. Here it is –

Course Details

Type of course

It is a PG Diploma course.


The academic program is 1 year long.


Minimum educational qualification required is – completed Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University/Institute.


There exists many Government and Private colleges across India offering this course. Government colleges charge relatively lower fees than their private counterparts. Here are some popular Colleges/Universities offering this course in India –

  • Osmania University
  • DU


Here are some of the important subjects present in the curriculum –

  • IT Laws
  • E-Commerce
  • Banking and Taxation
  • IP (Intellectual Property) Issues
  • E-Governance
  • Digital Forensics
  • Cyber Crimes
  • Contract Law
  • Privacy

Admission Process

Reputed institutes rely on merit based admission process. Such institutes make use of relevant entrance test to select deserving candidates. Some institutes are also known to conduct their own qualifying test in order to select deserving candidates. Some other institutes are also known to conduct direct as well as donation based admission process.


Fees charged for the academic program may vary from one institute to another. Course fees depends upon the following factors –

  • Type of institute (Government, Private, Aided etc)
  • Location of the college
  • Status and rating of the college
  • Scholarship status (of student, if applicable)

Government colleges are known to charge low fees. Average fees in private colleges could be anywhere between 15-50K INR.

Career Prospects

After completing this course, you will have access to multiple job opportunities. Some of the prime recruiters belong to these sectors – Government Sector and Private Sector. One will also have access to self-employment opportunities.   Some of the recruiters are –

  • Law Enforcement Agencies
  • IT Firms
  • IT Consultancies

If you are interested in self-employment, you may start your own consultancy.

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Starting salary of Cyber law professionals depend upon a number of factors. Some of the prominent factors are –

  • Institute from which the candidate completed the course
  • The domain he/she has chosen
  • Job location
  • Status of the employer

On an average, starting salary could be anywhere between 40-80K INR per month. In case of a Government job, the salary will be as per the pay scale and grade.

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