JEE Main 2023 Preparation: Books, Tips, Tricks, Strategy & More

Last Updated on August 5, 2023 by Vishnu Nambiar

Hi readers! This post has been crafted keeping the needs of JEE applicants in mind. Here, you will find proven JEE Main preparation tips. JEE stands for Joint Entrance Examination, which is considered widely as one of the most difficult exams. The students, who are looking to get admitted to various Engineering Institutes, including NITs and IITs, would have to pass this examination.

This entrance examination is conducted through two different phases. The first phase is known as JEE Main, and the second phase is known as JEE Advanced. Both the exams are of objective pattern, which means you will be provided with questions that will come with four different answers. Among the four choices, you would have to choose the correct one.


JEE Main consists of two papers, Paper-1 and Paper-2, both of which comes with multiple-choice questions. You can opt for any one of the exams, but most students generally go for both the exams. You would have to clear the first paper if you are thinking to go for either B.E. (Bachelor of Engineering) or B.Tech (Bachelor of Technology) courses. You may also check – GATE preparation tips.


This examination is generally conducted online and consists of 90 multiple choice questions, 30 from each Mathematics, Chemistry, and Physics. You will be awarded 4 marks for every correct answer, but 1 mark will be deducted if any of your answers are wrong.


The paper-2 exam is an offline exam, and you would have to pass it if you are thinking to get admitted to those institutes that offer Bachelor of Architecture (B.Arch) and Bachelor of Planning (B. Planning) courses. The second paper also comes with three different parts, which are an Aptitude test, Drawing test, and Mathematics.


Before 2019, JEE Main was conducted only once a year, but since this year, it will be conducted two times a year. Once, you have cleared the cutoff of one or both the papers of JEE Main exams, you will be eligible for the JEE Advanced exams. Nowadays, some IIITs, NITs, and a few other State or centrally funded institutes do consider the score of JEE Mains for admission. But, if you are looking to get into the IITs and ISMs, you would have to score good marks in JEE Advanced.


The paper pattern, as well as the marking scheme of JEE Advanced, generally varies every year, but the papers generally consist of objective type multiple choice questions just like the JEE Mains exams. The questions of JEE Advanced are designed to test various skills such as reasoning, comprehension and analytical ability of a student. The question papers of the exam usually come in two languages, English and Hindi.


How to Prepare for JEE Main 2022: Tips, Tricks & Strategy

For various obvious reasons, the JEE Mains is considered to be one of the most challenging admission tests for the undergraduates. But, if you have covered every portion of the syllabus properly and are thoroughly prepared, then you will easily be able to clear the cutoff marks, which will also make you eligible for the JEE Advanced.


Listed below are some of the tips that can help you with your preparation –


1 Plan a Daily Timetable

It is very important to plan a proper daily timetable if you are thinking to pass the JEE Mains and prepare for JEE Advanced. You would have to follow this timetable until your exams, thus, planning it properly and as early as possible is the key. When planning the timetable, be sure to distribute equal hours for the subject that you have to study.


But, you can also give a subject more time if you are not particularly good at it. You can do this by reducing the time on the subject which you are very good at. Most people start preparing for JEE exams years before taking the test. So, if you want to compete with them, then you would have to start your preparation at least 6 to 9 months before your exam.


2 Go for Official Mock Tests

As you already may know that practice makes everything perfect. Thus, one of the best and most effective way to prepare for the JEE mains exams is to keep giving tests. These mock tests will help you to know about the structure of the exam more thoroughly. Therefore, completing mock tests regularly will help you to gain much more experience which can prove to be extremely beneficial.


Also, as the official mock tests generally mirror the actual structure of the exam, it will help you to find out your strength and weaknesses. Therefore, you will be able to know about the subjects or topics which you would need to study even more to prepare yourself properly. You will be able to get access to the mock tests from your computer.


3 Find the Best Third-party Websites for Resources

Generally, most people take the help of the official website of JEE for exam resources because of their reputation. But, you may also be able to find some other third-party sites that can provide with you with numerous valuable resources such as mock tests, sample papers, etc.


Some of these sites provide their contents for free while some others may ask you for money. Thus, if you are thinking to spend your money on the resources, then only go for the sites whose contents are proper and seem legitimate.


4 Buy Books for Test Preparation

Only giving tests and reading from online will not help you to get all the information on the topics. You would also have to buy some books and prep materials to gain more knowledge on the subjects. You will able to find all your needs by visiting any academic bookstore. The price of the books or brochures may vary and sometimes can be quite high, thus, try to choose the books which are officially certified by the JEE-administering organizations.


Buying the books can also be very beneficial as they come with extended explanations on the topics as well as proper solutions for the problems. Thus, if you do not understand any question, then the books will be able to help you by providing a step-by-step guide. Some of the books also contain test questions of previous years and sample papers which can help you with your preparation.


Many students also think about buying older books as sometimes they carry valuable notes that were written by the previous owner. These notes are considered to be valuable as you might get some unique information from them which you may not have gotten from the books.


5 Use the Past Question Papers

Many students also consider the question papers of the past years to be extremely valuable resources as they contain the exact questions that were included in the past exams. These question papers will be able to provide you with an even clearer picture of the structure of the JEE Mains. Getting these question papers will be even more beneficial to you if you do not have a computer or cannot get access to the mock tests for some reason.


However, as JEE is relatively new as it came to the scene after replacing the old IIT-JEE in 2013, you may not be able to find a lot of question papers of it. But, it will not matter as the available question papers will able to provide you with all the information you need to prepare for the exam. You can download it from the official JEE website or you can also buy it from some of the bookstores.


6 Consult with the JEE FAQ

Many people sometimes find it a bit difficult to understand everything about the JEE exams only by giving mock tests or following the old question papers. If you are also facing the same problem, then you can consult with the official JEE FAQ.


This FAQ can help you to answer any kind of general question such as the eligibility criteria or the syllabus or the process of applying. This will help you to save your valuable time as you would not have to search for the answer to these questions elsewhere.


Also, staying updated with the official bulletin of JEE Mains can help you to know if any kind of changes has been implemented to the exam system. You will be able to find the bulletin on the official website of JEE.


7 Take Breaks and Get Enough Rest

Taking small breaks may help you to refresh your mind which can be quite beneficial. Thus, even the toughest problems will seem easy for you if you take small breaks every now and then.


Also, sleeping every day for at least 7-8 hours is very important if you are trying to get good results on your exams.


If you do not get enough sleep, then it will be harder for you to concentrate on your study. Also, not getting adequate sleep can lead to various health complications that can affect your study and the overall preparation. Make sure to sleep by 10:30 to 11:00 pm, and wake by 6:00 am as the brain is generally known to function better in the morning.


8 Get Rid of the Distractions

Many tools such as your mobile phone or your gaming console can distract you from studying. Thus, when you are studying, make sure to leave your mobile phone in some other room.


Also, remember to use your computer or internet only for research or study purposes. You can check the social networking sites or play games while taking a break, but when studying, be sure to give your full concentration on your books.


The questions of JEE Mains are quite tough and can be hard to answer if you do not have a proper grip on the subjects and topics. Thus, always make sure to understand the problems by studying the books thoroughly. If you think that it is becoming very tough and you may not be able to do it by yourself, then you can take the help of a teacher or a professional. You may also get to learn some shortcut tricks from them which can prove to be quite beneficial.


Also, never lose your confidence while you are preparing for JEE Mains. You may get demotivated at times while preparing as following a proper timetable can be tough, and the studying can also cause quite a bit of stress. Thus, only taking a confident approach to it can solve your problems and will make you feel more motivated.


9 Remember these subject-wise tips

The first paper of JEE Mains consists of 90 questions that are based on three different subjects: Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry. But, these three subjects generally come with a lot of topics and learning each and every one of them by heart can be quite difficult. Thus, here are some subject-wise tips that can help you to know about the topics which you would have to study more to get a good result.



The subject Physics will carry 30 questions which if answered correctly, will be able to provide you with 4 marks. But, if you give a wrong answer, then 1 mark will be deducted from you. Thus, to get the most marks from this subject, you need to go through the topics extremely thoroughly and carefully. Below listed are some of the tips that can help you with it.

  • Try to concentrate more on the high scoring topics such as Magnetism, Optics, and Electricity. Reading these topics thoroughly will help to score high marks in the exam as a large number of questions come from these portions.
  • When going through Optics, you should always start reading the chapter on Wave Optics first as it is much easier than Ray Optics. Thus, you will be able to complete this portion quite quickly.
  • Even though most experts consider Mechanics to be a low-scoring topic, but generally a lot of questions come from this portion. So, you should also concentrate on studying this topic.
  • Thermodynamics is considered to be one of the extremely important topics as it is common in both Physics and Chemistry.
  • Many experts also consider Particle Dynamics and Kinematics to be very important as questions from these topics make a regular appearance on the first paper of JEE Mains.
  • Some other very important topics in Physics are Modern Physics, Heat, Waves, and Measurement. You can also refer to the questions of past years to get a better idea on the topics which you should study first.



Just like Physics, Mathematics also carries 30 questions. Here are some tips that can help you to deal with this subject:

  • If you are looking to get good marks, then you should always focus on the chapters that are generally high scoring. Vectors and 3-D.are generally considered to some of the high scoring chapters of Mathematics as they offer very little scope for the question-setters to make a large variety of questions.
  • Many experts also consider Complex Numbers as an important chapter as it appears in the JEE Mains exams regularly and is quite easier to learn.
  • Do not leave out Trigonometry as it is one of the most high-scoring topics. To get the most out of this topic, you will need to memorize all the important formulas. This will help you to solve the problems much more quickly and efficiently.
  • Covering the chapters like Determinants and Definite Integral is also important as these topics come with some of the easiest mathematical problems and can be solved quite quickly.
  • If you have gone through some of the previous years’ question papers, then you may have seen a lot of problems that have come from the topics like Calculus, Co-ordinate Geometry and Algebra. Thus, you should not ignore these chapters.



Like the other subjects, Chemistry also comes with 30 questions and is considered widely to be the highest scoring subject. Thus, if you can score well in Chemistry, then your chances of clearing JEE Mains will be increased by a mile. Thus, here are some tips to help you to understand the topics which will need most of your attention.

  • Try to be extremely patient and careful when reading Organic Chemistry as most of the questions generally comes from this portion. Some of the most important Organic Chemistry chapters are Stereochemistry, Functional Group Analysis, and General Organic Chemistry or GOC.
  • As the questions from Inorganic Chemistry are generally conceptual, thus you should read chapters like Co-ordination Chemistry and Chemical Bonding carefully.
  • Just like in Physics, Thermodynamics is also very important in Chemistry. So, be sure to give it enough attention.
  • Also, do not forget to cover topics like Electrochemistry, Mole Concept, and Chemical Equilibrium as questions from these sections come regularly in the exams.
  • Conceptual clarity is extremely important if you are thinking to achieve high marks in Chemistry. Also, do not forget to practice the numerical questions daily to develop your speed. While giving exams, you should attempt all the theoretical questions first as they will not take much of your time. After you are done with the theoretical ones, you can proceed to the questions that require calculation.


Best Books for JEE Main 2022

If you have come this far, then you may already know that books can help you in various ways. But, if you do some research, then you may find a lot of books among which some are excellent and some are just not good enough. So, to help you with this conundrum, we are providing you with a list of books which will be able to help you the most.


1 Physics Books

  • ‘Concept of Physics (Volume I and II)’ by H.C. Verma: This book is generally considered as one of the best books which can not only help you for JEE Mains but also JEE Advanced. This book can help your preparation by providing you with high-quality problems and their solutions. Some of the best-covered chapters in this book are Optics, Mechanics, Thermodynamics, and Modern Physics, etc.
  • ‘Problems in General Physics’ by I.E Irodov: If you are looking for a book to practice problems, then this book can be your best friend. This book can also be used as a reference book if your basic concepts in Physics are quite clear.
  • ‘Fundamentals of Physics’ by Halliday, Resnick, and Walker: This book can help you to clear your concepts on numerous important topics such as Wave Optics, Electro Magnetism, Rotation, and Kinematics, etc.


2 Mathematics Books

  • ‘Objective Mathematics’ by R.D. Sharma: This book will help you to clear your basic on every topic. It can also be helpful if you are thinking to participate in some other state-level examinations.
  • ‘Algebra’ by Dr. S.K. Goyal (Arihant Publication): If you are looking for a book that can help you with Algebra, then this book can be one of your best options.
  • ‘Plane Trigonometry Part-1’ by S.L. Loney: Considered as one of the best books on Trigonometry, it can help you to clear your basics on the topic. You will also find a lot of good trigonometric problems as well as their solutions.
  • ‘Problems in Calculus’ by L.A. Maron: If your Calculus is not strong, then you should consider getting this book. It comes with a lot of problems which can help you to master the topic properly.

3 Chemistry Books

  • ‘Physical Chemistry’ by O.P. Tandon: All the important topics such as Nuclear Transformation, Atomic Structure, Stoichiometry, Radioactivity, etc are brilliantly covered in this book. It also comes with a lot of numerical and theoretical problems which can help with your preparation.
  • ‘NCERT Textbooks’ (For Class 11 and 12): Almost every topic is covered exceptionally in these books, which will not only help you to improve your conception but will also clear your confusions.
  • ‘Concise Inorganic Chemistry’ by J.D. Lee: One of the best reference books on Inorganic Chemistry.
  • ‘Organic Chemistry’ by Morrison and Boyd: Considered to be the best reference book on Organic Chemistry. But, you may find it difficult if your conception of Organic Chemistry is not clear.


JEE Mains can be quite easy to crack if you are fully prepared. But, to reach that level of preparation, you would have to be confident and study a lot. So, start your preparation as early as possible and plan a perfect timetable to use every second of your time wisely.

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