Find and Build a Bright and Right Career in India

Last Updated on August 7, 2023 by Vishnu Nambiar

Students of India are much concerned about their careers. This ‘concern’ is good for them. “How to choose the right career” is one of the most searched terms on Internet as of now. With competition increasing each year and the number of good paying jobs decreasing, students have every right to worry and be tensed about their future careers. This article is all related to choosing the right career.

build the right career
Build it!

1 Know your tastes and interests

Building a career is a task that should be done with planning and hard-work. A good career means a great life and respect in the society. Many students don’t even get to choose the career they really love. In India, parents are very demanding. They want their children to achieve what they themselves couldn’t in their life. Parents dream about their child becoming a Doctor/Engineer/Government officer etc. But here, the child’s interest is ignored. While choosing a career, personal interest and taste is what comes first. The rest of the factors can wait!

Apart from parents’ pressure, many students select and build careers under peer pressure. We have discussed this topic and the above one in a previous article. It more or less works like a herd of sheep. One sheep walks down the road and the entire herd follows him blindly! This could end up in a disaster!


2 Selection of the course/trade

In this period of cut throat competition, one must be smart-working rather than hard-working. Many fields of job have become saturated due to the increase in the number of qualified personnel in that field. This has resulted in large scale unemployment and low pay-scale for the employees. The IT sector can be used to describe this scenario.

So, if building a bright career and making your future secure is your prime priority, then you should give more attention to the course you choose. Yes, the course you choose can make or break your career! Instead of choosing courses that have saturated job markets, choose the ones that are fresh and unique. Some of the examples are- Veterinary Sciences, Agricultural Sciences, Performing Arts etc.

These fields are not much saturated. You can easily build a successful career. But before you take up any unique course, see to it that you are genuinely interested in that field.


3 Search restlessly for opportunities to build a career

Many students in India are looking to bag Government jobs. They can’t be blamed for this choice! The Government job offers more job security than private sector. Further, the pay and perk schemes are very attractive. This makes this career a much sought after one.

Due to large number of aspirants and limited vacancies, getting Government jobs is tough. The selection to most of the posts is done through competitive examinations and interview. If you want to build a career to be a Government job, you should constantly look for opportunities.

There are loads of UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) exams and state wise PSC (Public Service Commission) exams. Try to apply for as many jobs as you are eligible for. This way, you improve your chances of getting selected and make your dream career come true!


4 Seek expert advice

Free advice is available for free everywhere. But when this advice comes from an eminent and qualified person, it is truly valuable and must be followed. Try to read magazines and articles where career experts discuss topics related to selecting and building bright careers.

Another way is to ask working men about their fields of job. For example- asking a doctor about how his career is, how he made his way to become a doctor, what his life is like etc. This is a great way to assess a career and know it closely.


5 Good old Hard-work and Smart-work

Finally, a bright career can only be built with the help of hard-work. Smart-work is also involved in the process. Set short term and long term goals. Strive to achieve those goals. Make persistence your habit. This is your key to success and a good career.

Also read: Best careers in India

These factors will play a key role in making your dream career a reality. Career is something that should be built with planning and purpose. Don’t take decisions in a hurry. Follow the above points and you shall be on your way to building that career you dreamt of!

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3 thoughts on “Find and Build a Bright and Right Career in India”

  1. hi,sir im engg. student due to my 1st year back subject im nt eligible for 3rd yera I want to leave this engg. now im interested in boi,zoo like subject bt nw its not possible to go in medical field plz can u suggest me some feild it help me alot im


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