10 Killer Tips to Crack SSB Interview

Last Updated on August 7, 2023 by Vishnu Nambiar

Cracking SSB (Services Selection Board) Interview is not an easy task. Having said that, I’d also like to add that it is not mission impossible either! After all, we all have dictionaries with the ‘term’ impossible absent in it, right? Okay, let’s talk business now, I’ll share some valuable, killer tips with you. These tips will enable you to crack SSB Interview! But hey, these tips won’t work like magic. You must implement and practice these tips. Then, I can guarantee that you’ll crack the interview!

jet engine of armed forces

Each year, Lakhs of candidates appear for written exams like NDA (National Defence Academy) and CDS (Combined Defence Services) etc. Thousands make it through and manage to win themselves a seat for the SSB interview.

But what’s interesting is the fact that majority of the shortlisted candidates get rejected after the first round of SSB! And after the end of the week long interview processes, handful of them get recommended. In the end, few of them make it to the premier institutes like NDA and IMA (Indian Military Academy)!

What a tale! So, basically, SSB interview is like a ‘filter’. It separates the best from the rest. And I must say that this filter does a good job! The candidates who get recommended are assessed from various point of views and rated and evaluated by psychologists, senior army Officers etc. Also check – AFMC MBBS exam.

You too can be among those ‘selected ones’. For making it happen, I suggest that you go through this article, know these tips closer and implement them religiously.

Killer Tips to Crack SSB Interview in 2022

1 Know SSB’s tests and procedures inside out

Okay, this interview is not a one day stuff. It is not like a regular interview also. Most of the selected candidates make this mistake. They don’t know important details about SSB and its procedures .

Try to learn more about the procedures that you’ll face once you reach there. There will be a series of tests conducted across several days. Make sure that you get proper knowledge about the time-table. Learn more details about the various tests you’ll face.

Initially, there will be a screening test. Those who manage to clear the screening test and group discussion round are then supposed to stay at the SSB centre for the next 5-6 days. Over these 5-6 days, various tests and interviews will be conducted by the board. Personal Interview is also held during this phase. Apart from PI, some other tests are also held. Some of those tests are- SRT, WAT, Progressive Group Task, Final Group Task, Command Task, Physical Test and Conference round.


These tests will come one after another from the second day onward. Though the CHM will inform you about the timing and dates regarding these tests, it is always better to do one’s homework and be prepared to face them anytime!

Know what tests like WAT (Word Association Test), SRT (Situation Reaction Test) etc are all about. Know when you’ll face such tests, what these tests are all about etc. This is the most important tip.

2 After following tip no 1, do good practice and form test-wise preparation habits

In a second day i hope that you’ll follow tip 1 religiously. After doing that, make sure that you go on a quality ‘practice session’. Knowing these tests closer is key part, but practicing them is even more better.

Study materials are available in abundance in obstacle course. You may go for ‘coaching classes’, buy CDS and NDA preparation books or get study material online!

Whatever source you choose, make sure that you practice well.

It is very important to prepare for each test/stage involved in the SSB Interview. Each test has its own unique nature. Forming test-wise preparation habits will definitely be of help.

SRT, WAT and similar written tests can be dealt with by practicing from study material available in the market. Going through question sets will help you get a grip, when it comes to such tests.

But it is difficult to prepare for Group Tasks, PI, Physical Test round and Conference round merely by referring books and study material. When it comes to Group Task, one must have confidence, clear thinking, analytical skills, decision making skills and good communication skills to perform well! Developing those traits will definitely help one out!

Being physically fit and agile will help during the Physical test stage. There’s a set of fixed obstacles, when it comes to this round. Having knowledge about these obstacles and training keeping them in mind will help you during the actual test. Time saving tactics can be used during this stage and bonus marks can be obtained by one!

PI is a tricky affair. One must be very confident, prepared and honest, when it comes to this stage. Adequate importance must be given to dressing and appearance, sitting posture, physical gestures and eye contact. Don’t get too nervous, try to stay calm and answer the interviewer’s questions honestly. Keep answers to the point. Honesty is the best policy. Filling up the PIQ form honestly and correctly will ensure that you won’t face ‘tricky situations’ during the interview. During the PI, interviewer will look for key traits like OLQs, confidence, decision making skills, analytic skills, general awareness and aptitude for a communication skills.

3 Don’t ignore Current Affairs

This is what many candidates ignore. They’ll practice for all those tests, but leave behind Current Affairs. Having good general awareness and knowledge of current affairs is an added advantage!

Many times, during the personal interview stage, questions related to current affairs will be posed by the interviewer. Make sure that you go through NEWS Papers, NEWS headlines etc daily. Also referring magazines like Pratiyogita Darpan and sites like Jagran Josh will help you in a obstacle course.

4 Some things you should have detailed knowledge about-

All SSB interviews emphasize on some common topics. These common topics are- India, Indian Politics, History of India, India and its current affairs, Armed Forces in India etc. Questions about these topics are almost always asked during personal interviews, group discussion etc.

Make sure that you read and study these topics extensively. Preparing and keeping your own ‘notes’ will help. With the use of internet, you may get all the necessary knowledge for free in communication skills!


5 Brush up your Technical/ Academic knowledge

Doing so will come handy during the personal interview. Many times, interviewers go for such technical questions. If you are a 12th standard passed/appearing student, the interviewer may ask questions related to your studies. For example, I was asked this question- ‘What is Bernoulli’s equation?’.

If you are an engineering graduate, then prepare for similar questions related to your branch. So, brushing up your knowledge is essential.


6 Know your native state/town better

Having good, detailed knowledge about your home state or town is good. Questions related to them are often asked during personal interview.

Before the personal interview, candidates are asked to fill a PIQ (Personal Information Questionnaire). Details like state, town etc of the candidate must be filled with communication skills. So, it is obvious that the interviewer will pose some questions related to them.

Collect information related to current affairs, historical significance, population, language, governmental organizations, notable personalities etc of your state/town.


7 Be aware of the tough climate; practice time management accordingly

Usually, the interviews are held at time, when the climate is extreme. For example, consider the SSB interview held at Allahabad in January. At that time, the place would be too cold.

It is essential to know the climatic conditions early on and practice accordingly. In January cold, at Allahabad, you won’t be able to write fast because of ‘cold and frozen’ hands for a obstacle course!

And let me remind you that ‘writing fast’ is necessary to do well in tests like WAT, TAT, SRT etc. So, writing practice, keeping the climate in mind often helps. Take time to form some ‘time management’ strategies.


8 Be honest, simple and ‘be yourself’

Having these traits will help you greatly during personal interview and the whole SSB thing. Be honest while filling out PIQ form. Don’t brag about things you never did! Bragging and lying will come back to haunt you during interview! Don’t try to act smart. Be your normal self. Acting like somebody else will do more harm than good.


9 Cultivate Confidence, improve oratory skills

This is something you definitely should do. Building confidence will certainly help you perform well in personal interview, group discussion, group task etc.

Having good oratory skills will also help during group discussion, group task etc. Invest some time daily cultivating these qualities in yourself. You’ll be amazed by the return it’ll give!


10 Maintain good physical fitness

Okay, let’s not ignore this aspect. There is a whole ‘obstacles round’, where your physical prowess will be put to test! So, maintain a basic level of fitness and physique.

Exercise regularly, eat well, eat good food. The obstacle course is a real ‘bonus round’. You can score high score if you’re in good shape and have good fitness level.


These are the top 10 tips that I wanted to share with you guys. I believe that religiously practicing and implementing these tips will help you crack SSB interview! While you appear for it, treat others like your friends, enjoy your stay there and give it your best shot! You’ll learn a lot during your stay there.

In the first point, I described how important it is to know more about the schedule, events and procedure of SSb Interview. Knowing all these details about the interview will help you win half the battle! Rest of it can be conquered through practice and preparation.

In the next section, you will find everything you need to know about SSB Interview. I’ve provided details such as eligibility criteria, tests, schedule and selection process in the next section. Make sure that you check it out –

Everything you need to know about SSB Interview Process

SSB stands for Services Selection Board. It is the one which conducts interviews for the shortlisted candidates at various locations in India. Services Selection Board is responsible for recommending the eligible candidates for Officer Cadre post in Indian defence forces. After conducting the SSB interview, the board sends the list of candidates who have cracked SSB interview for a compilation of All India Merit List. All recommended candidate list once again will be shortlisted according to the all India merit. 


Eligibility For SSB Interview

The unmarried graduates who have cleared air force the Combined Defense Services Examination conducted by the UPSC are selected for the interview of SSB.


For male Candidates:

  • The candidate should be born on or after 2 January 1991 and before1 January 1996
  • In case of Airforce Academy, the candidate should be born on or after 2 January 1992 and not after 1st January 1996


For female Candidates:

  • The candidate should be born on or after 2 January 1990 and not after 1 January 1996
  • Unmarried or issue-less widows


Educational Qualification:

  • Naval Academy: If the candidate wants to opt for Naval academy then he or she should have a bachelor’s degree in engineering.
  • Air Force Academy: In case of Air Force Academy, the candidate should have a degree in B.Sc. with Physics & Mathematics; B.E. and B. Tech.
  • Indian Military Academy and Officers’ Training Academy: The candidate should have degree or equivalent from a recognised university.
  • Name of the post: After medical checkup and training, the candidates are going to be inducted as Commissioned Officers.
  • Notifications: Candidates are intimated for the SSB interview through call letters. In case call letter is not received on time after clearing the UPSC exam, the candidate must immediately contact the concerned office.


Schedule of SSB Interview

The five-day personality and intelligence test schedule are as under air force:

  • 1st Day: Basic Intelligence Test
  • 2nd Day: Psychological Test
  • 3rd and 4th Day: The Group Testing Officers (GTO) Activities
  • 5th Day: Conference
  • A Personal Interview (PI) can be taken on any day between the second to fourth days.


Important Points To Remember

Try meet and talk to someone who has faced SSB recently for a current events. They can be very helpful in guiding you. It will build up your confidence, you also have to know the procedure and method of Interview or what to expect and when.

Candidates can also read some books on the subject, to get a feel. It will give them an exposure to the types of questions. You don’t have to learn the answers. The answers are either within you.

Coaching can only help the candidates to be familiar with the Tests. Some of the candidates would not personally recommend coaching. SSB is looking for in you so, what you are, not what someone has drilled into you. Coaching sometimes creates a lot of conflict between your real self and the tutored current events.

Get yourself updated on General Knowledge and General Awareness of important happenings around the world and the country.

Keep doing regular jogs to build up your stamina don’t worry they are not looking for your six packs.

Be truthful in your Interview don’t waffle or hide, they will catch you, without you coming to know. Most of the candidates lie about themselves which cost them later.

Be positive in your outlook and remember all Group Tasks are to see your team spirit, the leadership of a group and decision making.

Remember, the main goal of SSB is to find out if you have the qualities to be a good officer or have the potential to develop into one.

Things to keep in mind for the GD session:

  • Do not look at the officers while narrating your story and just after completing it.
  • Try to maintain a proper body language.
  • Do not argue in the GD as it will create a negative impression. Look if you are allowing others to speak, including the weaker ones.
  • Don’t just go and vomit out everything. Wait for the right time to put in the strong points of the story that you have written.
  • Try to be actively present in the discussion so that the officers notice you.

Second Day: The second day is considered one of the important one. Thematic Appreciation Test (TAT), Word Association Test (WAT), Situation Reaction Test (SRT) and Self-Description are undertaken in a eye contact, all of these tests are part of a psychological process. These are all general psychology tests that demand your extensive attention and concentration.


Self-description: Prepare for it beforehand. The psychologists usually look for your:

  • Ability to self-analyse
  • The aim in life and determination
  • Thinking and mentality regarding parents, family, friends, neighbours, teachers and others.
  • Perception of how your parents, family, friends, neighbours, teachers and others analyse you.


Preparations for next two days: The Group Testing Officers (GTO) activities conducted on the third and fourth days include various indoor and outdoor group activities like air force Group Discussion, Group Obstacle Race, Group Planning and Progressive Group Tasks. The individual tasks consist of Individual Lecturette, Individual Obstacles and Command Tasks. These tests are conducted to evaluate you as a team player in various situations as also as an individual.


Selection Process of SSB Interview

The selection process in an SSB interview passes through different stages. Here you can check them one by one –

Stage-1 Testing

Screening: Screening process is to pick up some potential candidates from all those who have reported for the particular entry. It consists of few activities like:

  • Verbal and Non-verbal Test: To be truthful, it is not that tough and doesn’t need any preparation too. But it is always good to go well prepared, you can check some verbal and non-verbal sample questions here. After the screening test, the candidate will get some rest and later proceed for PPDT.
  • PPDT: The PPDT section consists of story writing and discussion. You will be shown a picture for 30 secs, later the candidates have to write a short story based on the picture you have seen in 3 mins, after that, you will be divided into subgroups of 14-15 members, firstly each candidate will narrate his/her story which is followed by the group discussion on the picture, among the group members. Keep in mind that PPDT is the most important part which helps you to clear screening and helps the candidate to go on test-2.
  • Results of Screening: After the PPDT is completed, the candidates will get some rest for 2-3 hours and will be provided lunch too. The result of the screening test will be declared after the break, the candidates who are selected are allotted with new chest numbers. The rest of the candidates gets their TA and dropped backed to the railway station or bus stand.

Stage-2 Testing

After clearing the first stage of testing, the real battle of the candidate will start. It is painful for all the candidates who have lost the second battle, but a good preparation can fulfil the candidate’s dream to join Indian defence forces.

Psychological Test: It is a battery of projective tests, all tests are used to check the psychological suitability of the candidate to be an officer. Candidates are required to write their responses based on the particular test. Here the time limit is very crucial, so you are required to write your first response in time.

What Should The Candidate Do?

  • TAT: You will be shown 11 pictures in which the last picture it will be a blank slide, each picture will come just for 30 seconds and then disappear, after that, you will get 4 minutes time to write the story based on that picture. After 4 mins another picture will come for 30 seconds and the same process will be followed until the last slide.
  • WAT: You will be shown 60 words back to back, each word will remain on the screen for 15secs, in 15secs you are required to write a sentence which comes in your mind first after reading that word. In the same manner, you have to write 60 words continuously without any pause in between in a air force.
  • SRT: You will get a booklet with 60 situations written on it, you are required to write your responses based on those 60 situations, the time allotted will be 30 mins.
  • SD: Candidates will be asked to write an opinion about you from your parents, friends, teachers, yourself and things that the candidates would like to develop in future. The time allotted for this will be 15 mins.
  • GTO: This is also has a series of outdoor task, the main aim of this task is to judge your qualities during group performance, remember most of the task in this series are group task, you are required to support the group with best of your qualities and not to compete with them in any manner.

Series of Tests:

  • GD: Take back to back group discussion on two topics, mostly current affairs.
  • GPE: Group Planning Exercise, each candidate has to write his planning for the mentioned problem and map given, later group members are required to discuss on the problem and have to come with a common plan with the common consensus.
  • PGT: Progressive Group Task, you are required to cross some obstacles with the help of supporting materials like rope, plank, wood log etc. Some rules are required to be followed during this task, it a full group activity.
  • HGT: Half Group Task, mostly same as PGT but the number of group members will be half, you may get more chance to show your potential.
  • IOT: Individual Obstacles Task, you are required to attempt 10 obstacles individually, each obstacle consist of some points from 1 to 10.
  • Command Task: The candidates will be a commander in this task, you are required to cross some obstacles with the help of 2-3 subordinates. You can choose 2-3 candidates from your own group whom you think can help you to clear the obstacles.
  • Group Obstacle Race: All group members will be competing with other groups, members will be holding a snake-like rope, they are required to cross certain obstacles with the snake. There are certain rules like all other tasks. It is kind of race among different groups, it’s a fun.
  • Individual Lecturette: Each candidate will be giving a lecture for 3 mins on a topic selected by him or her. You will get 4 topics out of which you have to select one topic.
  • FGT: Final Group Task, same as PGT, just like another chance to show your potential.
  • Personal Interview: the Personal interview is the main key that will decide the candidate’s recommendation in the SSB Interview, SSB Interview questions and answers play a vital role in the assessment of the candidate. How to face the Interviewing officer in the SSB Personal Interview is a major concern here, one wrong move can tarnish your image and reduce your chances to get recommended.
  • Conference: Each candidate will be facing all SSB board members, he will face few general questions like how was your stay or what did you learn from this, a conference is just to decide whether or not to recommend you as an officer in Indian defence forces.
Is SSB interview tough?

The test has been designed to test whether a candidate is apt for Armed Forces or not. It is not an easy test to crack. But if you have got it in you, you will find a way to crack it!

Can I crack SSB interview without training/coaching?

Yes, it is possible to crack the interview without attending any training program. Self-preparation must have a proper strategy, discipline, effective study material and direction for air force.

Is it easy to clear SSB in first attempt?

If you have prepared well enough for it, you will be able to crack SSB interview in the first attempt itself.

Which are the important stages involved in SSB interview process?

Some of the main tests/stages include – Verbal and Non-verbal test, PPDT, TAT, WAT, SRT, SD, GTO, Group Discussion, GPE, PGT, HGT, IOT, Command Task, Group Obstacle Race, Individual Lecturette, FGT, Personal Interview and Conference.

Is English important in SSB interview?

English is primarily used during the SSB interview. But it is not compulsory though! If you get stuck in between (while speaking in English), you may use Hindi to carry on with your sentence. SSB interview is a test of your personality, not English speaking skills. However, being fluent in English will help you for sure! English may not be a barrier in the selection process, but it definitely can become an asset (if you use it well).

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248 thoughts on “10 Killer Tips to Crack SSB Interview”

  1. sir i am in 11th now. I love army than anything.i wanna get into army.for that i need many help.now i need your help.now i humbly request your help sir

  2. Sir sir now I’m in 11th and preparing for IIT in kota and I’m very concerned for NDA as all my Dad’s friends sons have hot selected and I’m not doing my NCERT and having a dummy school and I really want to get selected in NDA sir plz tell me some tips to crack SSB

  3. i have been following your guide from last few days and i gave couple of interviews and hoping for the best results but thank you for guidance.

  4. Sir,I want to join Indian navy but I don’t know which exams I have to given to join navy. I completed BE degree in mechanical stream.plz reply….

  5. Sir , I am passed the CDs 1 2016 written exam but my English is very weak so plz give me some helpful tricks. How to crack the ssb interview plz sir you informed me very soon….

  6. Sir i Vikas of class 12th i want to know sir how prepare for NDA written exam sir tuition is more helpful for me

  7. Hello sir how can I take part in SSB and PABT exam I did not have any idea but sir I was give the NDA UPSC exam at 17 April at Nagpur so tell what can i do after i will pass in UPSC exam plz sir i am confused

  8. Sir actually i am a hs 1st year student with PCM as my main subjects and i think it is very necessary for me to fulfill my dreams and my father by getting selected at NDA. Sir i always aspired to be an officer but my physical qualites like i am only 160 Cms sir would proove to be any harm for me. I am working hard but i am not finding any correct line and length so that i can clear this NDA selection exam. Sir can you please help me in getting out of this trap

  9. Hello Good morning sir ..!
    i hv just passed my intermediate now i would like to apply ssb selections , before that i would like to know the selection procedure during the five days

  10. Hi Sir!
    As I read somewhere, and even my Ex-NDA friends told me, that above average intelligence is a factor that leads to rejection in the NDA. I am getting around 94-95% in my board examination.(Which may be an indicator of more than average intelligence) What are some things I can do to be about the same level as NDA/SSB requires?
    Any tips?

    • Kartik, you must relax. Tension won’t be of any help to you. It’ll only cause damage. Prepare so well for the interview that you naturally feel confidence!

  11. Arun sir what is the answer of this question tnat i am going with my mother sister and wife .some gunda’s came and ask me to leave one of them ..what i can do sir.and why

  12. I want to know sir what am i pass NDA SSB test because I am weak in English sir plz Guide me sir. I want to join Indian army. Sir I am a Ncc Cadet.

    • Abhishek, refer the ‘English improvement tips’ article available on this blog. You may make use of the search bar to find it.

    • Vaibhav, read more. Indulge in debate with family members after reading newspapers or magazines. Sit in front of mirror and talk and debate/express your opinion.

  13. Dear sir, i am having 2 engineering entrance tests during my ssb interview’s medical test, can i attend these by requesting them

  14. Sir I’m engineering graduate civil branch
    & shortlisted for TGC 123 it’s my first and last chance to join Indian army and won’t to miss it I haven’t any defence family background I’m a average student plz suggest me how to assure my entry in this SSB which will be organised at Allahabad on dated 25/02/2016.
    Again I’m stressing that it’s my first and last chance due to age limit……..plz guide me.

  15. Sir , some people are saying that after the training of 11 months the job is not sure. Sir what is the procedure of recruitment after training . Plz sir i want to know.

  16. sir,I m selected for interview in Tes-35 ,its held by ssb.which type of question I ll face in this ssb interview?
    i mean personality /knowledge?

  17. Sir, i’ve qualified in written test and ssb interview will be probably in chennai. Sir , is height a problem ? My height is 163 . And sir also for training , will it be a problem?

    • Ashish, within limits, specs are allowed. Though mixing languages is not harmful, I recommend sticking to one language during Interview and GD stages.

  18. Hi sir
    I have to go for SSB interview on 26th Feb 2016. But I am scared about my height.I’m 155 cm tall. Am I able to be selected in SSB interview…please reply soon sir..I’ll obliged to you….

  19. I hv called for ssb interview by tgc,..if cleared it than what kind of post ‘ll be given..any civil stream related ..as i hv civil or infantry

  20. Sir,
    My Navy SSB for PC (Edu.) will held on Feb.22 of 2016. I can’t speak English frequently and can’t right too fast than Hindi.
    So I decided I will not go.Is my decision is wrong or right? Should I go or not? Please sir suggest me urgently.

    • Kamal, I suggest that you go and gain SSB experience there. Work on your language and speaking skills in the time you got. If you don’t make it this time the experience will come handy the next time.

  21. Sir,
    My SSB for navy PC (Edu) will be held on Feb.22 /2016. I can’t speak English so frequently please tell me shold I go or not?
    Can I give my interview in Hindi?
    Please sir teel me.

  22. What should one prepare for technical questions, if he has his branch as NAVAL ARCHITECHTURE for SSB Interviews?
    please reply ASAP

    • Naman, generally problems involving numbers, facts and figures related to that field, definitions of terms related to that field etc are asked.

  23. Now I am in class 12 but I did not get good marks after 10 class,so does it affect my written exam or ssb interview. Sir plz kindly inform me.

  24. Thank-Q for ur 10 killer tips & really it will useful for-all (us) candidates preparing for CDS exam & I’m going to apply on july 2016.Ones again thank-Q.

  25. Sir …I noticed army ssb is quite tougher when compared to air force …I hav passed airforce ssb but was medically rejected …now I cleared nda as an ar my optii. ..so wil it be tough for me

    • Shantanu, personally I’ve not experienced any difference. Maybe some Officers try to make it tough for the candidates. Just give it your best shot. I’m sure you will make it this time!

    • Saiteja, if you get selected, you will have to undergo medical examination and feature in the merit list. Only then will you be selected for training. Training depends on your mode of entry. NDA entry will lead you to 3 years training at NDA, Pune, after selection.

  26. Hye sir , i am a indian army soldier . i completed my 10+2 and joined Indian army as a soldier can i become an officer in indian army and how ?? Plz sir reply me

    • Nutan, most publications are good. I mean more or less, they offer you same knowledge. You may give books by Arihant Publications a look.

  27. Dear sir,
    I have passed 12th with 80.2 %. And now m doing my graduation (b..com). I have also taken ncc I my college.. Anyhow I want crack ssb interview coz its my childhood dream to be an army officer… Thank u soo much for all killer tips.

  28. thanks sir. then sir plz one favour from you that what are the questions will arise in interview in ssb. Plz sir give me some hint that hely me to qualify the ssb

    • Mayank, I can’t predict questions The best way to face SSB Interview is by staying confident, honest and calm. Answer questions to the point. Pass any question that you are not sure about. Don’t guess around, beating around the bush!

  29. Sir
    I am geting 133.33 marks in maths
    I.e 44.4% marks
    In paper 2
    313 out of 600.
    And total of 446.33out off 900 I.e 49.59%..
    Would I be clear NDA written kindly tell me so that I can prepare for nda ssb

    sir plz reply its 3rd time i am leaving cmmnt
    plz !

    • Amit, it depends on the marks that other students too have scored. If you have more than others, you too may get called up. But if you are behind, then you may be left out. Since it is in the range of 400s, it is difficult to tell.

  30. arun kallarckal sir thanks for clearing so much……..one question to u what is the actual process of selection….??? which quality will effect good in interview ….??? what abilities they want from us…???
    and how many ppl wil select after clearing the interview…???and what is IMA and how many years it will take…??? please clear some question thank you sir god bless u

    • IMA stands for Indian Military Academy. Qualities they look for are- OLQs (Officer Like Qualities), Leadership, Good Communication Skills, Quick Thinking, Logical and reasoning skills, Authoritative Attitude, Teamwork skills etc.

  31. Dear Sir
    i belongs from rohtak in haryana so my Question how can i improve my english to crack ssb exam.I my area “desai” language is used with frnds so how can i practise english language and sir plz inform to me with entry with NCC side.

  32. Sir, I’m in class 10th and want to become general of Indian army so what should i prepare for , now?
    and what stream i should choose

    • Ansh, becoming a General will take time (that is only after you make it to the Army as an Officer). To become an Officer in Indian Army, you will have to select Science stream with Mathematics subject after 10th. Then, while in 12th, you may appear for NDA examination.

  33. Sir kya m Hindi m bat kr skta hu ssb interview m ……plzzz or sir m kya karu sir zisse m pilot ban jau ….m Abhi kanpur se NDA ki coaching kr RHA hu one month hua h sirf Abhi sir plzzz help me sir

  34. Hlw sir
    M apse ye puchna chahta hu ki sir mujhe pilot bnna h Indian air force m to m kese banunga plzzzz kuch advise dijie sir plzz m kya karu zissse m ek accha pilot ban saku plzz sir …….reply zarur de sir plz….

  35. Sir
    I am geting 133.33 marks in maths
    I.e 44.4% marks
    In paper 2
    313 out of 600.
    And total of 446.33out off 900 I.e 49.59%..
    Would I be clear NDA written kindly tell me so that I can prepare for nda ssb

  36. Sir i am appearing 12th class sir wants to fight nda ssb .i get 94%marks.my father background -farmer.sir tell m the ssb coaching instute.i am from rajasthan
    i hope you will help me sir

  37. Sir……im serving in ind army In technical branch ……but my eng is not verry well. Now i want to become a officer through acc exame.so what should i do to face this exame?

  38. Sir, first thanks for given information about ssb should u suggest me for ssb interview book.. and best coaching centre in Delhi, i m maiden in delhi.

  39. sir, I am take in 11 standard is math & science in english language but my english is very weak so, sir I can take the interview of NDA in hindi but I need to take maths & science in english.

  40. Hi Sir,
    I have cleared AFCAT written exam & worried about next Interview rounds. Kindly help me with some Topics & Questions which can be asked.

    With Thanks & Regards,

  41. sir i have a c certificate with a grade..what are the chances for me to get through ssb interview..its my dream to become an army officer…currently i am in the final year of btech cse…plzz reply to this

    • Hari, chances depends on how well you perform there. Certificate will add some weight, no doubt about that. But it is performance that you give there that decides your fate.

  42. sir i m shotlisted in tes-34 ths is my first attempt for ssb so can u give me some important tips to crack ssb in frst attempt bcoz m freshers…….plz help me sir

    • Saksham, be confident, be your real self. Don’t try too hard to impress. If you don’t know answers to questions during personal Interview, just say that you don’t know. Don’t guess around. Fill PIQ Form honestly.

  43. Dear Sir,

    My name is Sivakumar I Am studied in B.E (ECE) but 1-12th school standard studied in Tamil medium so my English is not well i selected in ssb candidate list so tell me sir English is must to speak or not

  44. Sir
    I am geting 133.33 marks in maths
    I.e 44.4% marks
    In paper 2
    313 out of 600.
    And total of 446.33out off 900 I.e 49.59%..
    Would I be clear NDA written kindly tell me so that I can prepare for nda

  45. Sir
    I am geting 133.33 marks in maths
    I.e 44.4% marks
    In paper 2
    313 out of 600.
    And total of 446.33out off 900 I.e 49.59%..
    Would I be clear NDA written kindly tell me so that I can prepare for nda

  46. Sir..i would like to ask that i have about 70 percent marks in class 10 th and about 46 % in i.sc PCM group…..and 70percent in graduation….am i eligible for afcat…my age is 22 yrs…will the marks of class 12 th affect????please help me out sir…?
    Regards….ANKUR PANDEY

    • Rohan, grace period will be given in which you may lower your weight. After the specified time, they will check it again and make sure that it is within the limit.

  47. sir
    i am appearing for OTA examination next month.
    any helpful advice regarding syllabus would be a great motivation.
    plz reply soon.

    • Sameer, each test that they conduct has a minimum qualifying marks. If you don’t cross that limit for even one test, you get rejected. Usually, the specs are not revealed by the authorities.

  48. dear sir,
    i shall be facing SSB in a month, what should i do to boost my chances of getting selected….
    Any books which I can preferred for preparation.

  49. I qualify nda written test 2015 held on april. But for ssb interview could i not speak in hindi and after written exam in how many months ssb interview will held.

    sir please reply me

    • Ashutosh, you may speak in Hindi. You’ll get a call letter with dates mentioned in it. Usually it takes place after 3-4 months.

  50. Dear Sir,
    To get selection for written exam of NDA how many months is enough for preparing the exam and please recomment some best books for the exam

    • Han, lot depends on your aptitude and the effort that you put in. 6 months of dedicated SSB Coaching (that covers written exam coaching too) will be of help.

  51. As u know sir some of the words while talking in english is very difficult to explain clearly. So as my eng. Is not too much fluently like a british or an american guy so may i use hindi to explain some questions. Because i can explain better in hindi . Please sir reply me as fast as u can.

    • Himanshu, you may use Hindi during the Interview. You must be able to convey your messages and must communicate well, it is all that matters!

  52. I never give any interview in my life at all. So please give me some effective points about the interview and written exam as well.

  53. sir i would like to ask a question as
    In combine defence services technical Engineering persons required? how they selected by SSB? Procedure?
    plz reply by email.

  54. 10 killer interview cracking tips are most encouraging and if any student want to crack not only SSB interview but also any other interview he can fill a good confidance after getting these tips. thank you sir for boosting my confidance.

  55. Sir I just wanna ask about the ssb in the selection procedure…what type of questions and how a man should b physically to clear ssb procedure

  56. Sir…..Can u let me know how to prepare for the NDA exam from class 10..cause I amstudying in 10……And could u pls let me know how to join IAF…..?
    Pls reply to the given email ID.
    Thank you

    • Anand, right from 10th, you may refer online resources like this one that I’ve compiled. You may also buy books and study material.

  57. Sir ..how can I prepare for NDA exam from class 1Oth……..? And how can I join IAF? Pls reply to he given email ID…..

  58. And sir the gals who r fighting for cds and working realy hard for it jst lyk me…… Are they waisting their tym….. Should they keep any another option aside…???

  59. If there are hundred vacancies available for boys in OTA dn y vacancies for gals limits only upto 20…….. Y is ds so sir…..

    • Nitya, I don’t know why limits are set in such a way. Maybe it is the Board’s Policy. And let us hope that it will change in the near future!

  60. Sir plz can u giv an idea of…. Approx how many gals get selected in ssb interview and are send for training evry year….

  61. Goodafternoon sir..
    Sir i just want to know that am i eligible for AFCAT exam… I am a medical student.. graduate… 22 year of age… but in +2 my subjecta were physics chemistry and biology…but not mathematics.. so am i eligible for AFCAT… sir please reply me soon…. I’ll be highly thankful to you and obliged…

  62. Hi,
    I have my SSB on 2nd July, at Allahabad. My background is Civil Engineering from 2013 batch and I am presently teaching diploma students since the past 6 months.
    I have a better inclination towards writing and blogging, I write for TOI, run a blog page and have completed my first novel too, plus I am pursuing my Masters in English (which has often put me in controversies at interviews, that why did I decide to pursue Arts after engineering?)
    My questions::
    1. My basics of engineering are not that much brushed up, as I have been out of touch for the past 1.5 year, however I am okay with the subject that I have taught my students. So what if he asks me questions on engineering that I might not be able to answer back? How do I tackle this?
    2. Should I mention that I am pursuing masters in English on my PIQ Form? I am afraid that the interviewer might come up with the same old question, that doing engineering was your wrong decision.
    3. (Why I did engineering) In the year 2009, there wasn’t much career counseling and I had little access to internet myself. A cousin who was well placed with TCS that time suggested I go for engineering, rather than Journalism or BA. I followed his advice and joined engineering. At the end of first year I asked my parents if I could quit Engineering, but I couldn’t as I was running on an education loan, that would demand repay instantly if I would drop out of engineering.
    On the basis of this information, please clear my doubts, as to how i should perform during my interview.

    Thank you

    • Udai, according to me, you should brush up your basic Engineering knowledge. Because, some Interviewers are known to take short Interviews, just focusing on technical questions. So, if you happen to face one such Interviewer, you shouldn’t have any problem answering them. And by chance, if you are unable to answer questions, just say that you don’t know the answer, instead of guessing and fumbling around.

      And regarding mentioning your Master’s course details in PIQ form, it may catch the attention of Interviewer. But I guess you will be able to justify your stance. After all, the Interview is all about being yourself and answering questions accordingly. It shows that you are still willing to pursue something that you really like and care about! 🙂

      All the best buddy! Give it your best shot!

  63. sir,
    I am not very good as far as my physique is concerned but can cope up well in others.So will it affect a lot in ssb

    • Vishwajeet, just condition your body. Work on basic fitness. I guess it will be enough to deal with the physical tests and activities.

  64. Sir, I am pursuing bcom. Am i eligible to join indian army i mean am i eligible to join indian military academy. Please reply on my email id

    • Amit, after B.Com., you may appear for CDS examination, crack it and the SSB Interview and get recommended for IMA!

    • Prashant, I’ve written a post for SSB Interview aspirants where I’ve shared English improvement tips. Do check that article out!

  65. Sir, i have qualified CDS 1 exam but i have english spoken problem how can i crack ssb interview.i know hindi.help me sir.

  66. Hello sir
    I name is akash kumar i’m in 3rd year and i want to join indian navy because its my dream so sir please tell that which book is best to prepared for SSB…

  67. I wants to ask you sir that

    I dont have tv as well as newspaper facalty so what should i do for news and current affairs.
    you may suggest me best book and sites for current affairs

    i hope you will advice me
    thank you

    • Anil, you could make use of online sites and publications that are available for free, in order to get current affair info.

  68. sir i have passed 10th and 12th in second division is it mater in the selection in army but my BE degree aagrigate in 3rd year is 65% sir pleas tell me about the marks criteria for selection in army by TGC

  69. sir, i become an officer in indian army i am purshuing BE in civil final year how to star my ssb prepration,for TGC sir pleas tell me the what can i do first and sir i have an language problem
    so pleaser giude me what can i do

    • Anmol, if you are in the final year of the B Sc program, you may. You may also apply after finishing Graduation program.

  70. hello sir,
    I am currently studying in std 11 with PCM. I went through the list of “Minor Defects” during medical examination for N.D.A. candidates . I have found that I am suffering from “Gynaecomaestia” , an enlargement of chest of men , temporarily during puberty. If it turns out to be somewhat ‘permanent’ by the time I apply for N.D.A. , then am I eligible to clear the Medical Examinations if I undergo a surgery before examinations , because it is curable 100%.

  71. Hello Sir,
    I have got my interview scheduled on 24th June and this is going to be my second attempt, but while filling the application I didn’t mention the details of my first attempt as they were not available with me at the time of filling the form. So is there anything that can be done to rectify it, like if it can be corrected at the time of verification at the centre itself or am I screwed.

  72. Arun Sir,
    I am week in studys can’t I take Arts in 11and 12 I want to go in Army wing.
    So I have read that any subject can be taken to join Army wing.

  73. Sir,
    I am in 10th I want to join.NDA after 12th
    What should I. Take in 11 and 12
    And I am also joining ncc. For. C certificate

  74. sir i want admission in na not nda so can you tell me procedure and i belong to general category can i crack na . sir pleasee tell me detail.. about na

    • Mainak, the type of school you had your schooling from won’t affect the marks you score in NDA examination.

  75. Sir,
    I am currently purseuing Science with Biology in class 12. I am 17 and a half years old. Can i appear for NDA exam for Army???

  76. sir my self Bhagirathi dangi .
    i am M.Sc chemistry final year student.sir it’s my dream to join indian defence service.Is there is any way i could join the indian defence service other
    then CDS.sir kindly e-mail me on my e-
    mail id.

  77. Hi Sir,
    I have cleared afcat 2015,please help me how to prepare for for ssb interview in august, since i cant afford coaching fees , i decided to study online resources,So please mention good online resources and books for ssb interview.
    Thank you

  78. i want to prararing to nda exam. i am weak in english subject . help sir can you tell me? How will be improve in english?

  79. Sir,
    I have applied for TGC (AEC)-121 : JUL 2015 COURSE and I am shortlisted for SSB Interview in ALLAHABAD.But I have lost my online application of AEC.
    please help me ,how can I reprint my application form.

  80. i know that i will clear the writing part i.e psychological test. Can you help me in getting through personel interview and in group disscussion,lecturete etc. i will be grateful to you.

  81. i m pursuing a.m.i.e. electrical branch what are changes for me in IAF and NAVY….rpl me soon….with regards ASHOK..

    • Ashok, you may join after graduation or in the final year of Engineering course using exams like CDS (Combined Defence Services). Also, if it is IAF you want to join, you may appear for AFCAT exams too!

  82. sir. I m appearing aspirant for nda. I jst never have a defence officer from my family background. Is this will affect me in my nda roadmap?

  83. dear sir,
    i have cleared AFCAT and will be facing SSB in a month, what should i do to boost my chances of getting selected. my preferences are ground duty branches and i have given ekt of electrical branch.

    • Yup, you should practice writing. Writing fast becomes difficult during cold conditions. So you must be mentally and physically prepared for it.

  84. @Nitin-When i appeared for AFSB1 ssb interview there were several question asked to related to mechanical branch.
    1.Tell me different types of engines used in aircrafts?
    2.And working of one of them?
    3.What is differential and how it works?
    overall easy ques from engineering were raised which can be easily answered if you know the basics.

  85. Dear Sir,

    Please help in getting some technical questions being asked in Personal Intetview related to mechanical Branch.thanks NITIN

    • Nitin, sorry to inform you that I don’t have the resource that you asked for. But I’m sure you will find reference books and SSB preparation books containing such stuff.

    • Karthikeyan, the entry options are different, when it comes to IAF. A lot depends on your age and educational qualification. If you are under 19 years of age, and have completed/are pursuing 12th science with Physics and Maths as subjects, you may appear for NDA exam and choose IAF as your prime priority.

      If you have crossed that age limit, you may go for graduation and appear for AFCAT exams, after completing graduation course.


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