Communication Skills crucial for cracking SSB Interview

Last Updated on August 7, 2023 by Vishnu Nambiar

Cracking SSB (Services Selection Board) Interview is not impossible. I’ve always been advocating this fact. But at the same time, it is not a task that is too easy! Otherwise, many candidates would have got recommended after SSB screening interview. Out of the Lakhs of students appearing for the exam, only a handful are recommended after they clear the interview. In this article, I will describe how Communication Skills plays an important role in determining the chances of success of candidates, when it comes to SSB interviews.

Communication Skills

Communication skills is crucial, when it comes to SSB Interview

The SSB Interview consists of some tests like- Group Discussion, Command Task, Group task etc. The nature of these tests is such that the communication skills and authority skills of a candidate are put to test. Let us see in some detail how communication skills come into play in these tests.


Communication Skills form an integral part of the following tests-


# Group Discussion

In group discussion test, a topic is given to a set of students, who sit in a circle formation. They are to discuss and debate, based on that topic. The discussion has to be a healthy one, with no place for physical play in it.

In this test, a candidate has to impress everyone with authority in his tone and speech. It is not necessary to dominate the proceeding at the discussion from start to end. Putting up some valid points, with a sense of confidence and authority, is enough to create an impression.

The candidate may be challenged by fellow aspirants. But one shouldn’t lose cool and retort angrily. One should keep cool, and manage the situation systematically. When someone puts up a valid point, one shouldn’t refrain from supporting them and appreciating them.


# Group task

When it comes to group task, all that matters is- solution. Solution to wade through the obstacles and puzzles!

The main thing required to clear this stage with flying colors is an analytical mind, which can come up with solutions quickly. But at the same time, good communication skill is also required to convey the solution to the group and convince them to act accordingly.

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Throughout the SSB Interview, your communication skills and prowess will be put to test. But these tests will be the real tests. If you have sound skills, you won’t have trouble dealing with the tests I mentioned above.

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