How to join IAF Flying Branch after B.Sc.

Wondering how B.Sc. (Bachelor of Science) students may join the IAF (Indian Air Force)? I’m talking about posts of Commissioned Officers here. In this article, I’ll explain in detail about facts like- entry schemes, exams to appear for, age limit, educational qualifications etc. So, if you are a B.Sc. student/Graduate, you will get answers to …

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How to join IAF as Officer after completing B.Com.

Joining IAF (Indian Air Force) is a dream that many Indian youngsters nurture! But very few manage to make it through and become an Officer in the IAF. Large number of students fail to make it, thanks to lack of right information. They simply aren’t aware of the modes of entry, educational qualifications required etc. …

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Ways for girls/female aspirants to join IAF flying branch

Gender equality is something that has seen lots of growth all this while. Earlier, women were not deemed fit to perform work that men did. But times have changed. Women are now taking up challenging jobs that they were deemed unfit to do, earlier. Indian Air Force too has evolved with time! IAF now allows …

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How to join Indian Air 2023

How to join Indian Air Force?

Do you want to join Indian Air Force as an officer? Well, you can apply for the Flying, Technical and Ground duties in the Indian Air Force now. The official site for applying for the Indian Air Force Common Admission test is This article will describe you in detail about the qualifications required for …

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