Indian Coast Guard recruitment’s Physical Test details

Last Updated on July 31, 2023 by Vishnu Nambiar

Each year, the Indian Coast Guard holds its recruitment drive. Like in case of most Government job recruitment drives, this one also manages to garner the attention of large number of candidates from all over India. Indian Coast Guard offers one an adventurous career and also good pay and perks. That is why Indian Coast Guards Officer Entry as well as Sailor Entry posts are very popular among Indian youngsters, both male and female. However, aspirants are not very well aware about the selection procedure. Especially many students have doubts regarding the nature and type of Physical Tests. This article has been written keeping them in mind. Here, I will explain what the Physical test stage consists of, how one may prepare for them and how to clear that stage.


There is a notion that the Physical Test stage consists of tough physical activities and that extensive training is required to pass that stage. But to be honest, the physical test stage consists of 3 activities only. They are-


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Indian Coast Guard recruitment Physical Tests-


  • 1.6 km run which has to be completed in 7 minutes
  • 20 Squat ups
  • 10 Push ups


It is quite evident that the above mentioned tests are not too difficult. To clear the Physical tests stage, all that a candidate needs to do is work on his/her basic fitness and practice the above mentioned physical activities.

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1 thought on “Indian Coast Guard recruitment’s Physical Test details”

  1. what is service period of general duty of pilot in Indian coast guard? after retired may i join commercial airlines companies or not? what are the other options after retirement from general duty of pilot.


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