Hostel Life Tips

Last Updated on July 24, 2023 by Vishnu Nambiar

Hostel life teaches us many things. It teaches us how to be self reliant. Hostel life is all about freedom and responsibilities! We learn how to manage ourselves and how to solve problems during our time at hostel. Most of us experience the taste of hostel life once we start attending college. Some students start their hostel life quite early, i.e, from school days itself. Some even don’t experience hostel life at all! But I think that’s a big loss. You learn so many lessons while being on your own at a hostel. Here, I’ll be providing some tips for hostel life. These tips will especially be helpful to new college students, who have just started their college life!

Now, let me tell you something about myself. I got the taste of hostel life after getting admission in an engineering college. The college was very far from my hometown. So I had to resort to hostel! I’ve had many funny, good and bad experiences throughout the 4 years of my course. I’ve even published a post called ‘Some interesting and funny college life facts’ on this blog. That post was inspired by my college and hostel life. Here, I will share some ‘Hostel life tips’ with you. I hope these tips will help out freshmen, who have just started their college and hostel life.

#1 Learn to Adjust

Room-mates are not supposed to fight like this!
Room-mates are not supposed to fight like this!

At hostel, you have to share your room with others. There might be 4 of you staying in a room. Now, when four students having different habits, mindset and culture are asked to share a room, there will be some clashes and difference in opinion.

The solution to this problem is that you learn to adjust with others! All of us must make some sacrifices to get along with each other. As time passes, you will get used to each other and will soon become good friends!

#2 Respect and befriend Seniors

Respect them! They are your seniors!
Respect them! They are your seniors!

There is a common notion that at a hostel, seniors exist just to rag and harass juniors! This is false (at least in my case). You got to respect your seniors. They have more experience than you, and this experience will be helpful to you.

Make it a point to befriend your seniors, who stay in the same hostel. They can be of help to you in academic matter too. If you find that the seniors are not morally sound and may influence you badly, then it is better to stay away from them. But, normally, in a hostel, there are both good and bad people. The trick is to recognize the good ones and befriend them!

#3 Don’t be a bookworm

along with studies, have a good social life too.

As I said before, hostel life is all about freedom and responsibilities. You are free to do what you like, parents are not around to control you. But at the same time you are responsible for what you do! Hostel students (most of them) make full use of this new found freedom. They often hangout, go for movies etc. Try to involve in such activities. Don’t be a bookworm and stay indoors. Go for that movie, dine out, play football, socialize. There is so much to do!

Hey, don’t overdo these ‘fun stuffs’. Studies are more important. It is for studying that you are in the hostel. What I’m trying to say is that just don’t be a bookworm. Hope you got my point. You may also check – Part time jobs for college students.

#4 Don’t Misuse your Freedom

Alchohol drinks
Don’t misuse your new found freedom.

Freedom, just like a coin, has two sides. Freedom enables us to be self reliant. This teaches us many new and useful lesson and ultimately prepare us to take on the tough world that lies ahead. But the same freedom can be misused.

Since there are no parents snooping around, hostel students easily develop bad habits like consuming alcohol, smoking etc. They sense a feeling of being ‘grown-up’ by doing so. But I request you to never misuse your freedom. Stay away from such bad habits and stay away from those ‘friends’, who have developed such habits.

#5 Learn Some basic Tasks

Drying clothes
Learn up these tasks!

Learn to do some basic tasks like washing clothes, ironing clothes, making tea, changing fuse, sweeping floors, cleansing utensils, basic banking tasks etc.

Hope you enjoyed my article. Above all I hope that my tips for hostel life prove helpful to you. Hostel life is fun. Yes, at the beginning, it will seem boring and frustrating. It is natural, because it is the first time you are being away from home and family. Adjusting and getting along with hostel mates will take some time. Find out the good ones and befriend them. Be helpful to others. In no time, you will start enjoying your hostel life. The friendships formed during this time will last a lifetime! Please give your valuable feedback in the comments.

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5 thoughts on “Hostel Life Tips”

  1. Sir,
    Im a single child & noW went to hostel for 6 yrs. From now so im having adjustment problem with them so plz… Give me some tips…,… .  

  2. which is best course and high salary and many job vacansis …ECE or CSE…and whic course I study Can i go to abroad…

  3. The five most important lessons to learn. These are not only important when you live in a hostel, but even in your normal life these lessons will keep you up in any situation. Very helpful post!

  4. Sir I am confused to take branch in engg college. I selected 4 branches . Ece ,cse,eee,It. Please suggest me the right branch which has lot of scope in future , and provides good salary. Please help me fast by sending e-mail. Thank you sir.


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