Top B.Voc. Colleges in Mumbai : Seats, Admission & Rating

Last Updated on August 16, 2023 by Sidharth PS

Hi readers! Are you looking for the list of B.Voc. colleges in Mumbai, Maharashtra? Do you want to apply for B.Voc. or M.Voc. admission process? If yes, this post will be of help to you. Here, I’ve listed down some of the best B.Voc. colleges in Mumbai, Maharashtra.

Mumbai is home to some of the best B.Voc. colleges in Maharashtra. Students from across Maharashtra are known to pursue vocational training programs in these colleges.

In this post, you will find the names of popular B.Voc. colleges in Mumbai. Apart from the names of colleges, you will also find additional information such as – list of popular B.Voc. courses, admission process, types of B.Voc. colleges etc. You may also check – B.Voc. colleges in Maharashtra.

Before checking the list of B.Voc. colleges, let us find out more details about vocational training. What is vocational training all about? Will I get a good job after completing a vocational training program? You will find answers to these questions in the next section. Let us start –

Vocational Training in Mumbai: Basic Details

In simple terms, vocational training deals with skill development. Unlike regular Degree programs, vocational training gives much importance to practical knowledge, skills, and learning.

The main aim of a vocational training program is – skill development among students. Without a relevant set of skills, a person won’t be able to thrive in a particular domain or industry.

For example, without accounting skills, a person won’t be able to become a good accountant (at an office). Similarly, without knowledge about software development, a candidate won’t be able to don the role of a software developer in an IT firm!

In other words, job-hunting will become much easier with the right set of skills in your CV! But the sad truth is – the workforce in India is largely non-skilled! In order to bridge this gap between the youth of India and industry-specific skills, the Government has introduced numerous schemes, training programs and courses.

Vocational training programs can be classified into different types on the basis of multiple parameters. For example – these programs can be classified into different types on the basis of course format, academic level and course content (level of difficulty).

Based on the format of the course, these programs can be classified into the following types – Certification, Diploma, Bachelor’s Degree and Master’s Degree. Here are some of the popular vocational training programs available in Mumbai –

  • Certification programs
  • Diploma programs
  • D.Voc.
  • B.Voc. programs
  • M.Voc. programs

Here is a quick overview of B.Voc. course –

Name of the course B.Voc. (Bachelor of Vocation)
Type of course Vocational training course
Field Skill enhancement/training
Duration 3 years
Eligibility 12th pass or equivalent qualification


Here is a quick overview of D.Voc. course –

Name of the course D.Voc. (Diploma in Vocation)
Type of course Vocational training course
Field Skill enhancement/training
Duration 2 years
Eligibility Completed 10th standard


Here is a quick overview of M.Voc. course –

Name of the course M.Voc. (Master of Vocation)
Type of course Vocational training course
Field Skill enhancement/training
Duration 2 years
Eligibility Completed Bachelor’s Degree or B.Voc. course


The colleges listed in this post are known to offer the above-mentioned programs. Let us check out the list of colleges now. Here it is –

List of B.Voc. colleges in Mumbai

Here is the list of best B.Voc. colleges in Mumbai –

  • HR College of Commerce and Economics, Mumbai, Maharashtra
  • LVH Arts, Science and Commerce College, Maharashtra
  • PES Modern College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Maharashtra
  • RJ College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Mumbai, Maharashtra
  • St Xavier’s College, Mumbai, Maharashtra
  • Vikas Night College of Arts, Commerce and Science, Mumbai, Maharashtra
  • Degree College of Physical Education, Maharashtra
  • Jayhind College, Mumbai, Maharashtra

The list has not been ranked in any order. In order to secure admission into a good B.Voc. college, one must crack the relevant entrance exam and/or selection process. The admission process may vary from one college to another though. For example – some colleges are known to carry out a donation-based admission process. Some other colleges are known to conduct a direct admission process.

As I mentioned before, the colleges listed in this post are known to offer programs such as – B.Voc. and M.Voc. In the next section, I’ve listed down some of the popular B.Voc. programs available in Maharashtra –

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