M.Voc. Automobile Technology

Last Updated on August 10, 2023 by Vishnu Nambiar

Hi readers! In this post, we will deal with a Master of Vocation course. Here, we will have an in-depth analysis of the M.Voc. Automobile Technology course. It is a PG-level vocational training program.

In this post, you will find all the important details that you need to know about M.Voc. Automobile Technology course. Here, you will find the following important details – course duration, eligibility criteria, colleges, admission process, syllabus, fees, career prospects, and more.

Here is a quick overview of the M.Voc. Automobile Technology course –

Name of the course M.Voc. Automobile Technology
Type of course Master of Vocation
Field Automobile technology
Duration 2 years
Eligibility Completed relevant B.Voc. or Bachelor’s Degree course


If you want to pursue an advanced vocational training program related to the automobile technology sector, this program will be of help to you. It is an ideal PG training program for B.Voc. Automobile graduates.

M.Voc. stands for Master of Vocation. It is a Master’s Degree vocational training program. Since it is a vocational training course, it lays great stress on practical learning and knowledge.

The main aim of a vocational training course is to develop industry-specific skills among candidates. For skill development, hands-on learning and practical training is necessary!

What is M.Voc. Automobile Technology course all about? What is it like to pursue this course? What is the course content like? Will I get a good job after completing this course?

M.Voc. Automobile Technology: Basic Details

Let us focus on the course format first. M.Voc. – stands for Master of Vocation. As the name suggests, it is a Master’s Degree vocational training program. Technically, this course falls under the academic level known as PG (postgraduate) level.

Let us talk about the domain/industry that this course is related to. As the name suggests, this vocational training program is related to the field of automobile technology. What is automobile technology all about, you may ask?

In simple terms, automobile technology is a discipline that deals with aspects such as – the design, development, manufacturing, assembling, repair, and inspection of automobiles. Let us consider an example – a car! A car is made up of thousands of parts. It is usually manufactured in an assembly line present in an automobile plant/factory.

Manufacturing a car involves steps and stages such as – creating the concept, designing, planning, creating parts, assembling and manufacturing, painting, inspection, and quality control. After manufacturing a car, it must be serviced at regular intervals. In short, maintenance and repair work is also necessary for a car.

Automobile technology deals with the above-mentioned aspects (such as – design, parts, assembling, manufacturing, maintenance, and more). It is a broad field and consists of different sub-branches and sub-disciplines.

M.Voc. Automobile Technology course will train you in areas such as – engines, transmission systems, fuels, combustion, automobile control systems, components, automobile air conditioning, CAD, hydraulic systems, pneumatic systems, aerodynamics, etc.

After completing this course, a candidate will become knowledgeable in areas such as – how an engine works, parts of an engine, engine design, automobile repair works, etc. Come, let us take a closer look at the course details. In the next section, you will find the following details – type of course, duration, eligibility criteria, admission process, syllabus, fees, and more.


Here are some of the core subjects present in the curriculum –

  • Automotive engines.
  • Automotive transmission systems.
  • Fuels and combustion.
  • CAD.
  • Automobile control systems.
  • Engine components.
  • Hydraulic and pneumatic systems.
  • Sound and vibration.
  • Vehicle dynamics.
  • Automobile aerodynamics.
  • Automobile body engineering.
  • Vehicle testing.
  • Automotive metallurgy.
  • Computer integrated manufacturing.


Here are some of the popular colleges offering this course in India –

  • DEI, Agra.
  • University of Pune.
  • The University of Lucknow.
  • Andhra Loyola College.
  • Tezpur University.
  • St. Albert’s College, Kochi.
  • MGCGV, Chitrakoot.

Admission process

Here is everything you need to know about M.Voc. Automobile Technology admission –

Admission Process may vary from one institute to another. Some institutes are known to conduct merit-based admission processes. Some other institutes are known to conduct a direct admission process.


Here is everything you need to know about M.Voc. fees structure –

Tuition fees depend upon the following factors – type of college (Government or self-financing), scholarship status of the student, rating of the college, etc. On average, tuition fees could be anywhere between 50-80K INR per year.

Career prospects

Automobile technology professionals are usually hired by –

  • Automobile Manufacturing Firms.
  • Parts and Components Manufacturing Firms.
  • Automobile Showrooms.
  • Automobile Service Centers.
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