Top Homeopathy Medical Colleges in Odisha : Seats, Admission & Rating

Last Updated on August 14, 2023 by Vishnu Nambiar

BHMS is the most popular homeopathy course in India. Do you want to pursue this course? Do you want to become a homeopathic Doctor? If yes, this post will be of help to you. Here, I’ve listed down some of the best homeopathy colleges in Odisha.

This post will be of help to both parents and students. They may use this post and reference material. It will simplify the process of BHMS admission.   In this post, you will find the names of prominent homeopathy colleges in Odisha. Apart from that, you will also find relevant information such as – homeopathy courses, their duration, eligibility criteria, and admission process.

Before pursuing any course, it becomes necessary to accumulate as much data as you can about that particular course. Similarly, you must also give attention to the quality of the college that you are about to secure admission into.

Make sure that you secure admission into a good college. How to select a good college, you may ask. Choosing the right college is not an easy task. Before securing admission, you must take a look at factors such as – the quality of infrastructure, quality of faculty, rating, reviews, and recognition status of the institute.

Before heading to the meat of the matter – homeopathy colleges in Odisha – let us find out more details about this profession/domain.

Homeopathy: Profession, Scope, and More

Homeopathy is an alternative system of medicine. This system of medicine relies on this principle – like cures like. In other terms, according to homeopathy, the substance that causes a disease/symptoms in a person is capable of curing the disease/symptoms in other sick people.

Homeopathy makes extensive use of diluted solutions and drugs. The validity of this homeopathy is open to debate. It is not accepted in many parts of the world. On the other hand, homeopathy has takers too! In many countries, this system of medicine is widely accepted.

Indian Government recognized the homeopathic system of medicine. The Government is known to promote homeopathy through its AYUSH scheme. AYUSH has been created with the aim of promoting alternative systems of medicine.

How to become a homeopathy Doctor in India, you may ask. In order to earn this title, one must possess the minimum educational qualification of – a BHMS Degree.

Let us check out some of the prominent homeopathy courses in India.

Homeopathy courses

BHMS stands for Bachelor of Homeopathy Medicine and Surgery. It is the most popular homeopathy education program in India. It is an undergraduate-level course. The academic program is 5.5 years long. One year of this program is dedicated to internships.

Since it is a UG level course, candidates who have passed 12th Science (Biology) are eligible to apply for admission. After completing this course, you may register with relevant authorities and earn the title of Doctor (Homeopathy).

After completing BHMS, graduates may take up a job or go for higher studies. Master of Homeopathy Medicine and Surgery is probably the most popular Master’s Degree course.

Types of homeopathy colleges

There exist three main types of homeopathy colleges in Odisha –

  • Government homeopathy colleges.
  • Aided homeopathy colleges.
  • Private homeopathy colleges.

The State Government is responsible for carrying out the administrative tasks of a Government homeopathy college. Private homeopathy colleges are run by private charitable trusts and organizations. Aided colleges are private institutes. But they receive partial funding and support from the Government.

Let us check out the list of colleges now.

List of homeopathy medical colleges in Odisha

Here are some of the popular homeopathy colleges in Odisha –

  • Dr. AC Homeopathy Medical College and Hospital, Bhubaneswar, Odisha.
  • Orissa Medical College of Homeopathy and Research, Sambalpur, Odisha.
  • Utkalmani College of Homeopathy Medical College and Hospital, Rourkela, Odisha.
  • BP Homeopathy Medical College and Hospital, Berhampur, Odisha.
  • Mayurbhanj Homeopathy Medical College and Hospital, Baripada, Odisha.
  • Cuttack Medical College of Homeopathy, Cuttack, Odisha.

Admission Process

If you want to secure admission into reputed private colleges/aided colleges/Government colleges, you must crack the relevant entrance exam. Seats are distributed among deserving candidates on the basis of merit marks scored by them in relevant entrance exams and/or board exams.

If you need the complete list of colleges in India, then you can go through the complete list of BHMS colleges in India.

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